I've had
alot of people ask me...How do you get those cute photos of kids?! It seems like they magically cooperate with you.
Ummm...I'm just some stranger all up in their face with a big camera. It's really hard sometimes when a kid just doesn't want their picture taken. Boys seem to be harder then girls and 3yr olds seem to just be in that hard stage.
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. This first photo below is usually the reaction that kids have to me when I start their photo session.
LOL :) I love kids!! So I try and win them over. And try and take really fast pictures, haha. And it doesn't hurt when you have a wonderful Mom on your side helping you out! And on this occasion with Thomas, some support from grandma too, we make it work and get some precious moments that will be treasured forever. So check out these pictures from the ADORABLE Thomas below :)
Kids must think I'm crazy!
hahaa, this face is great!

Mom and Grandma jump in to rescue me and help :) Isn't he so handsome?!!

Then a little race with Grandma

Then some bribing with candy (lollipops usually do the trick)

Look at those bright blue eyes!

Then his favorite toy doesn't hurt

A little more love from mom :) Jennifer stayed so calm

I love this one :)

So that's usually how it happens. What a joy kids are!! Thanks to Thomas, Jennifer and grandma...it was a blast working with you. We got some great memories :)