Can't believe that this day is already here! Yesterday was the kids first day of school. Karson started Kindergarten this year and Maddy started 2nd grade. I can't believe that both kids are in school now!! It's all day Kindergarten to. The house was so quiet yesterday. Wes went into work late so that we could both see them off. I didn't cry, but wondered all day how it was going, especially for Karson. Maddy is an old pro, lol :) He came home and said that he loved it, so we'll see how it goes! Of course I took a bunch of pic's, so I'll share some :) First is Karson with his name tag :) He's probably the biggest in his class, LOL!


It was sooo cute!! I caught them holding hands. Maddy is "Mom jr.", always has been!

It was such a relief to know that the first day went so good, they love their teachers, so I'm sure we're in for a good year!