What an Awesome Couple Nadia and Jason were!! Here are some photos from the wedding. I'm sure their cheeks were hurting by the end of the night because they couldn't stop smiling! I loved capturing all their sweet, happy moments.
Her mom prepping the dress.

Practicing her lines before the ceremony :)

Her dad giving her away was so sweet and emotional

Being introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Marsh

I loved this one of her checking out his ring on his finger :)

Super fun bridal party

The happy couple! We took pictures around the grounds of Castle McCulloch. It had some really cool area's.

Their first dance

She danced with all of her brothers to a song, taking turns...it was sooo sweet, I teared up of course :) Here she is with her youngest brother.

Tower of cupcakes!

Let the dancing begin! It was such a blast!

Then her dad did something special, he had a Mariachi Band come play for an hour...so romantic!

Ending the night off

Thanks so much to all of you!! Tuvimos un buen tiempo. Que Jehova los vendiga como le sirven a el como uno. Su hermana cristiana con mucho amor! Sarita (I tried :)
nadia your pictures are so cuteeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!, espero que jah los siga bendiciendo y pongan mas fotos